An experiment to research the connection between volumetric perception and primal emotions, Light and Guts is an exploration of the way the human senses become aware of objects in the real world and how the plasticity of these objects can influence basic, instinctive reactions.
Category: Showcase
»Variations IX«
»Variations IX« is an interactive audio-visual composition of moving fabrics manufactured by historic weaving looms. The interactive art installation was shown at the »kunst I stoff« exhibition at the State Textile and Industry Museum Augsburg.
»Frame-it!« was a new prototype for more effective collaboration developed by GTG. It is a mobile interactive device designed to present and collaborate with multiple users at the same time using the sticky note metaphor.
ISO 9241-9 Tablet Test
The AAL project SI-Screen focuses on providing an innovative user interface for elderly people enhancing their access to awareness streams of Social Networking Services by using tablet computers. As part of our attempt to investigate the acceptance of the newly developed user interface, we assessed the display size and touch input accuracy of multi-touch tablet computers…
The goal of the European Ambient Assisted Living project Social Interaction Screen (SI-Screen) was to create an sustainable social interaction tool for elderly people to easily get or stay in touch with family and friends, to find and participate in local activities and benefit from health and leisure offers. (Source: As a result the »elisa« (elderly interaction &…
The »Fishification« aquarium application is designed to run on a large interactive screen in a community area. In order to keep the user interaction simple and to attract people that are passing by, the aquarium metaphor is used. The mobile Fishification App allows direct interaction of Smartphones and Tablet Computer with the AquariumApp. Fishification is based on CommunityMirrors and CommunityMashup and developed at the Cooperation Systems Center…
»Community Mashup«
»CommunityMashup« is an open-source integration solution for data from social services. It unifies and interconnects the data from different sources. This includes e. g. social networking services like Facebook, microblogging services like twitter or fotosharing services like Yahoo flickr but also more specific services like the reference management service and scientific social network Mendeley. In the mind of…
MeetingMirror™ is a conference application for large multitouch screens presenting conference information aggregated and enriched from external Social Networking Services. »MeetingMirror« is based on CommunityMirrors™, a framework for Ubiquitous Natural User Interfaces for Cooperation Systems, and CommunityMashup, an integration solution for social data. MeetingMirror, CommunityMirrors and CommunityMashup are developed at the Cooperation Systems Center Munich (CSCM), Institute for Software Technology, Bundeswehr University Munich. (Source:…
Mobile MeetingMirror
Mobile MeetingMirror™ is a conference application for Smartphones and Tablets presenting aggregated and enriched information from external Social Networking Services.
»atlas« is an audio-visual composition of nine videos of Nicolas Romanacci shown in a 3×3 random channel matrix.
WebGL Showcases
The WebGL Showcases demonstrates the implementation of WebGL® for the iPad®.Even though WebGL is supported in iAd® as of iOS® 5.0, WebGL is not publicly available for iOS application developers, yet. As part of the WebGL Showcases application for the iPad® various WebGL examples are included. Source code is based on Nathan de Vries‘ coding effort. WebGL Examples The following WebGL…
Sheep Me Up!
You are an ancient Egyptian god – powerful, merciless and evil. 10,000 years ago you have been cursed and imprisoned in your pyramid space vessel by your arch-rival Ra. The pyramid you are in is floating in the vast nothingness of space to prevent you from escaping.
Horde3D .NET Wrapper
The Horde3D .NET wrapper is a light-weight open source library, implemented in Visual C# and .NET Framework 2.0 for Horde3D, a small open source 3D rendering engine. The intention is to open the simple and intuitive interface of the next-generation engine Horde3D to the .NET community. I was the co-founder of pyropix and the lead developer of…
The mysterious Aerodium is the only source of energy assuring the survival of the terrestrial separatists in the near future of our planet. Dive into a world of cunning sci-fi dogfights amidst a stunningly detailed environment. The game is accompanied by an orchestral soundtrack and presented with cutting edge graphics. Feel your veins throb with adrenaline…
The indie group »pyropix« was founded 2005 for developing the sci-fi dogfight game »Aerosion« for a game development competition.