
The goal of the European Ambient Assisted Living project Social Interaction Screen (SI-Screen) was to create an sustainable social interaction tool for elderly people to easily get or stay in touch with family and friends, to find and participate in local activities and benefit from health and leisure offers. (Source: si-screen.eu)

As a result the »elisa« (elderly interaction & service assitant) tablet computer provides an innovative user interface for elderly people enhancing their access to awareness streams of Social Networking Services. (Source: si-screen.eu)

I was working for the research group Kommunikationssysteme at the Universität der Bundeswehr München as a project manager and lead developer for the SI-Screen project from 2010 to 2013.



The research project SI-Screen was funded by the European AAL Joint Program (AAL-2009-2-088), the German Ministry of Education and Research, German VDI/VDE IT, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Spanish Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Italian Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca. The joint project was coordinated by the Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH and carried out by ten international partners.


The elisa logo has been created by the Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH. The graphical user interface has been designed by helios.bz. The tablet hardware prototype has been designed by Porsche Design Studio.

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© 2013 Social Interaction Screen. Photo licensed by Fotolia.